Welcome to the world of rainwater harvesting!
At Rain Centre, we’re all about spreading the word on how awesome rainwater harvesting is! We truly believe in the statement “No RWH, No water, No life” and are dedicated to educating people on the importance of rainwater harvesting. That’s why we’ve created this platform – to educate and inspire people to embrace rainwater harvesting. Get ready to learn all about the history, importance, and practicalities of this amazing practice. With our website, you’ll have access to everything you need to know, from the basics to the nitty-gritty details. Plus, our free resources like booklets, posters, articles, and whitepapers will give you all the knowledge and tools you need to get started today.
Join us on this journey and let’s make rainwater harvesting a top priority in our communities. With us, you’ll unlock all the benefits of smart water management and make a real impact on the environment. Let’s do this
The Birth of Akash Ganga Trust: A Mission to Ensure Freshwater Sustainability

In January 2002, a group of concerned citizens in Chennai came together to address the pressing issue of freshwater availability and the preservation of its sources through Rainwater Harvesting (RWH). Out of this initiative, the Akash Ganga Trust was born. The name “Akash Ganga” means “water received from the sky,” symbolizing the importance of rainwater in maintaining the water cycle.

A Not-For-Profit Organization Making a Difference

A Not-For-Profit Organization Making a Difference
Akash Ganga Trust is a registered not-for-profit service organization under the Registrar of Cooperative Societies of the Tamil Nadu Government and the Income Tax department of the Government of India under section 12A of the IT Act. With tax exemptions under section 80G of the I.T. Act, the Trust operates with a clear and transparent financial structure, holding its funds in the Besant Nagar branch of ICICI with the account number 603301103477.
Leadership and Expertise at the Helm

The Trust is managed by a Board of Trustees and receives technical advice from two Resource persons and an Advisor. With a focus on information dissemination about RWH and Ecological Sanitation in India, the Trust is dedicated to making a positive impact on the sustainability of freshwater sources in the country.

The Birth of Rain Centre: Creating a Model House for Rainwater Harvesting.
The Akash Ganga Chennai group saw the need for a central residential location where residents could witness the effectiveness of rainwater harvesting (RWH) systems and obtain information about them. Thus, they decided to establish a model house called Rain Centre. To raise funds for the project, they formed Akash Ganga Trust in January 2002 with the first trustees being the writer of this text and Mr. N. R. Sudarshan, and Mr. V. Varadarajan as a trustee. The trust was registered with both the Registrar of Cooperative Societies of the Tamil Nadu government and the Income Tax department of the government of India under Section 12A of the IT Act, and received exemption under Section 80G of the IT Act.

Want to install RWH system in your building?
Get in touch with us today!
Phone: +91–44–2441 6134
Mobile: +91-9003140476
Email: sekar1479@yahoo.co.in
No: 44, III Main Road (II Cross Street), Gandhi Nagar, Adyar, Chennai - 600 020.
Mon-Sat 10:00 am - 04:00 pm (Except second and fourth Saturdays)