Promoting RWH for a Better Future: Current and Future Activities

Spreading the Chennai Experience

Building on the success of RWH in Chennai, the Rain Centre plans to expand its reach to more cities within India and abroad. The Centre will identify water-starved cities and work with local individuals and NGOs to promote and popularize RWH.

Managing Fresh Water Sources: Conducting Water Audits

Conducting Water Audits

The Rain Centre proposes to carry out water audits in schools and multi-story apartment complexes to help them effectively manage their freshwater sources. The Centre will provide a questionnaire for this purpose and sees it as a learning opportunity for students and a chance to sensitize others on the importance of water

Sensitizing Urban Residents

The Centre aims to raise awareness among urban residents about the benefits of greywater recycling and its importance.

Helping Charitable Institutions: Implementing RWH and Grey Water Recycling

Helping Charitable Institutions

The Centre plans to implement RWH and greywater recycling in charitable institutions, such as old age homes, orphanages, and homes for children with disabilities, with funding from corporate and other funding agencies.

Tapping Aquifers Judiciously: The Conjunctive Use of Aquifers

The Rain Centre recently introduced a new concept called the “Conjunctive Use of Aquifers,” which is about tapping shallow and deep aquifers in an effective manner. The Centre aims to create awareness among urban residents about the importance of this concep

Educating Through Publishing: A Book on Rainwater Harvesting

Educating Through Publishing: A Book on Rainwater Harvesting

The Centre is in the process of publishing a book on Rainwater Harvesting that will include an Instruction Manual (user guide) for implementing RWH in any premises.

Want to install RWH system in your building? 

Get in touch with us today!

Phone: +91–44–2441 6134

Mobile: +91-9003140476


No: 44, III Main Road (II Cross Street), Gandhi Nagar, Adyar, Chennai - 600 020.

Mon-Sat 10:00 am - 04:00 pm (Except second and fourth Saturdays)